Authors, development process and contributions
1. Authors, development process and contributions#
1.2. SOP development process#
Initial SOP was drafted by Gerd Krahmann, Christian Begler and Soeren Thomsen in April 2021.
During OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop, May 11 - 25 2021 one expert session was held. Meeting Notes Additional authors joined: Antony Birchill, Alexander Beaton, Matthew Patey
First community and user feedback was provided during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop, May 11 - 25 2021 by attendees.
SOP moved to this repository by: Soeren Thomsen and Gerd Krahmann in November 2021.
Additional authors joined on GitHub prior to the community review: Daisuke Hasegawa and Takahiro Tanaka.
4 months community review on GitHub until 31 March 2022.
Additional authors joined on GitHub during the community review: Orens Pasqueron de Fommervault and Julius Busecke
1.3. Contributions#
Gerd Krahmann initiated the development of the nitrate SOP in March 2021. He wrote the SUNA sections. He co-chaired the expert session during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop, May 11 - 25 2021. He helps to maintain the SOP on GitHub.
Antony Birchill wrote parts of the LoC sections. He reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP.
Matthew Patey wrote parts of the LoC sections. He co-chaired the expert session during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop, May 11 - 25 2021. He reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP.
Anne Daniel reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP.
Alexander Beaton wrote parts of the LoC sections. He reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP.
Soeren Thomsen initiated the development of the nitrate SOP in March 2021. Drafted the initial document. Coordinated the whole development process including organising multiple meetings, e.g. one expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop. He reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP. He helps to maintain the SOP on GitHub.
Daisuke Hasegawa provided feedback to the overall SOP and specific input including an image about the SUNA SeaExplorer integration.
Takahiro Tanaka provided feedback to the overall SOP and specific input about the SUNA SeaExplorer integration.
Orens Pasqueron de Fommervault provided to the overall SOP and specific input about the SUNA SeaExplorer integration including an image of an alternative mounting position.
Julius Busecke supported the setting up of the jupyter book deployment and helps to maintain the github repository.
Christian Begler checked parts of the SUNA sections and contributed images.