7. Post-recovery operations and calibrations¶

At first users should report that their mission is over to support(at)oceanops.org

7.1. Biofouling assessment¶

Pictures should be taken for biofuiling assessment. Do we have good photos of biofouling?

7.2. Storage and cleaning¶

After recovery and once all caibrations are done, clean the sensor and remove any biofouling. The following protocol is recommended by SeaBird for the Wetlabs EcoPUCK:

  1. Remove the protective copper plate, if present.

  2. To clean the optics head use soap and water with a non abrasive pad.

  3. If necessary, a wooden scraper can be used to push the material from the optics area.

  4. Rinse very well with clean water and dry carefully.

  5. Do not use any strong solvent (ie. acetone or MEK) which could ruin the epoxy head of the sensor

7.3. Lab calibration¶

When the glider is recovered, tape and check for dark count stability or use the seabird calibration stick?

7.4. Field calibration¶

If you recover the glider from a small boat or a research vessel follow protocols described in Section 5.3 and Section 5.4, respectively.